Style and Wardrobe

Professional image with personal style


Style can not only change your look, it can also change your life!  To own a great image is to empower yourself with visual power. A power that even before you say a word has induced others to see you as successful, attractive and someone worth knowing.


Frequently Asked Questions

The last thing I want is a makeover. Can you help me look my best without looking so different that no one recognizes me?

Makeovers are quick fixes that can make you look incredible – or just incredibly different. My approach helps ensure that you can incorporate a successful image into your life on a daily basis. I introduce my clients to a process that teaches them the techniques and tools they can use to do that. When I say a “successful image”, I mean one that is authentic – and image that helps you better express who you are and also your intent in any given situation.

If a person judges me by the way I look and make a business or personal decision based on that, they must be pretty superficial. Why do you think image is so important? It's what's inside that count!

I couldn’t agree more … but, some busy people have to make instinctive – and very fast – initial assessments of individuals based on what they convey through their appearance, communication, and etiquette. Those “first impressions” tend to form patterns of interaction between you and others – and that’s why image matters. Having a handle on and control of your personal image is the most powerful tool you have to influence first impressions and initiate the patterns of interaction with others that will define your success in various situations.

If I work with you, will I have to throw out all my clothes and spend a lot of money on new things?

Often, my clients discover that many of the colors or clothing styles they are wearing are not ideal for them, or not appropriate for their lifestyles. It’s up to them what to do with that information. I’m experienced at working with existing budgets and wardrobes and can show you to select your best existing pieces and make them more versatile with the right accessories. I can also teach you how to shop more effectively so that when you are ready to buy, its money well spent.

I like the idea of working with an image consultant, but I know my spouse/partner is going to resist my desire to change or say I'm wasting my money. How can you help me manage that?

One way to manage this is to get your spouse/partner on board and involve him/her in a couple’s package, or in some part of the process. For example, it might be beneficial for your partner to attend our initial meeting to better understand the role that image is playing in your professional or personal life, and why you think that needs to change. In the end, YOU must decide that working with me is right for you. Eventually, it will benefit your partner because YOU will feel better about yourself.

Do your services work for all genders and all races?

Yes. My process works for all skin tones, and the basic rules of color and style apply whether I am working with a male or a female. My method of approaching image consulting services is tailored to each individual, but we always cover the same fundamentals of color, style and clothing preferences/personality.

I can't quite put my finger on it, but I sense that I'm not coming across to people in the way that I want to. Can you help me figure out what the problem might be?

Many of my clients experience situations in which the feedback they get from others’ body language, eye contact or verbal comments is not what they had hoped for or intended. Image plays a large role in guiding other people in how to respond to you. It has a direct influence on a person’s credibility and can play varying roles in professional, social and personal interactions. I use various tools and techniques to uncover each client’s unique style identity – this includes their natural coloring, their body type, and their clothing personality. The results of that process create a roadmap for us to develop that identity into an authentic personal image that will help you to successfully communicate your intent to others.

I'm not sure that I can afford image consulting, but I'd like some guidance. What can you suggest?

First, consider the cost of your style habits. If you have a closet full of clothes that are uncomfortable or that never seem right for the occasion, that money would be much better spent learning how to shop more effectively. I offer a variety of services at standard hourly rates, as well as Special Packages at discounted rates, so the services I offer are flexible for a variety of budgets and needs. And, couple or group sessions are a great way to be exposed to my services for less than you might pay on your own.

Everyone can wear black; it's just a matter of changing your makeup or throwing on a colorful scarf. Are you going to make me throw out all my black clothes?

If black isn’t in your natural color palette, you can count on me to show you why it isn’t. More importantly, I’ll show you how your natural colors enhance your appearance and play a role in non-verbal communication: how to use color to set the right first impression, to influence negotiations, to build long-term relationships with clients and peers, and much more.

I don't want to look old. I’m I going to have to "dress my age"?

Great legs are great legs at any age – should you cover them up just because you qualify for the senior’s discount? Not necessarily. Everyone at every age has his or her own personal style – and I strive to identify that, focus on it, and help my clients express their personal style in a way that works for their lifestyles and budgets.

Men don't need to care much about their appearance. I'll bet most of your male clients are having mid-life crises?

One thing unites all my clients, no matter how different they are: they all feel the effects of, and care about, their appearance – and my male clients are no exception. Often, an individual is prompted to engage my services because of a change in life that makes one’s personal image come to the forefront. For example, promotions at work, divorce, illness, a new relationship, re-entering the workforce and other such events are often the impetus for a person to want to take control of the image they present to others.

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